ATTENTION! Don’t Buy Balance of Nature Without Reading This First
(2022 Review from a Real User)
I’ve Tested Balance of Nature and This is My Experience…

This is an UNBIASED BALANCE OF NATURE REVIEW in which Balance of Nature did not pay us money to write this review. Our honest review is based on our own experience with taking the products and is our opinion only. We are an affiliate of Balance of Nature which means that if you decide to purchase it, we’ll earn a small commission.
UPDATE: If you’re considering buying Balance of Nature, I found a coupon code to help you save. Use code CARROTS and it will save 35% off on your order.
Don’t buy Balance of Nature Fruits and Veggies without reading this review first.
Everything You Need to Know About Balance of Nature. Fake scam? Best vitamin supplement? Read my experience with Balance of Nature and decide for yourself.
You have probably heard about Balance of Nature, but is it really worth your money? Do the products work or are they just another hoax? Kindly read on to find out my take as a real customer on these popular natural supplements.
Click here to visit the OFFICIAL website of Balance of Nature for the best deals
When I first heard of Balance of Nature supplements I wasn’t sure what to believe. I’m normally skeptical about marketing claims so I immediately questioned the ads and statements about the benefits of their products.
I like to live healthy and I don’t like putting unknown products into my system so supplements and vitamins are not normally something I take. I try to eat healthy and eat fruits and vegetables daily but I know I don’t eat as much as I should.
Many of you might be like me, but there is one glaring issue for people like us…
Did you know that studies show that 9 out of 10 people don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables? I was shocked. I assume I’m probably one of those people despite my mostly healthy diet. The part that got me interested is that Balance of Nature is claiming to be the answer for this issue.
Balance of Nature states on their Facebook page: “If you are one of the millions of Americans that is not getting enough fruits or vegetables in your diet, you have just found the solution! Balance of Nature will give you over 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Science has found an affordable way to conveniently put the phyto-nutrition you need into a capsule without taking away or adding to its natural balance.”
Sounds good, right?
I wanted to know more, so I read what I could find about Balance of Nature and reviewed the pros and cons. I want to eat more fruits and vegetables but I don’t want unknown substances in my body. Which is why I’m hesitant to take most supplements. Balance of Nature states they don’t include any synthetics, extracts or fillers. They don’t use any man made chemicals in their products. That’s important to me.
I decided to give Balance of Nature a try. I ordered and became a customer and started taking the products. Keep reading to see my findings, experience, results and recommendations.

Balance of Nature History
Balance of Nature is an American supplement company focused on making natural healthy whole-food products and state that their products make it easier to get the recommended daily servings of fruits and veggies.
Balance of Nature founder Dr. Douglas Howard traveled the world studying medicine, nutrition, and chiropractic to find solutions to lifestyle diseases. All his research and experience led to his findings that our choices in nutrition, physical activity, and mental health will improve quality of life. Dr. Howard began researching and developing reasonable ways for people to incorporate healthy habits into their lifestyle and make permanent changes. Today, Dr. Howard is one of the leading researchers in phytonutrition. He continues to research and lecture around the world. Balance of Nature products are the culmination of his passion for people, health, and science.
Balance of Nature was started in 1997 by Dr Douglas Howard after trying to find a way to get nutrition to his patients. He noticed many did not eat enough fruits and vegetables and lacked the needed nutrients in the diet.

(Dr Douglas Howard, Balance of Nature founder)
Balance of Nature has essentially three products: Fruits & Veggies, Fiber & Spice, and the Whole Health System. The fruits capsules are a blend of 16 whole fruits and the veggies capsules are a blend of 15 whole vegetables. The fiber product is designed to help regulate digestion and I was surprised with my experience when taking it. I’ll share more info on the products and my experience with them below.
Balance of Nature is headquartered in St George, UT.
One of the things I like the most about Balance of Nature supplements is that they are just produce. Take a look at the ingredients, there are not any words I’ve never heard of. That is rare for any food product and especially for supplements. All the ingredients are fruits and vegetables. No fillers, no extracts, no synthetics, no additives, no sugar…just natural produce. Two thumbs up for me.
I personally am not a big fan of taking a lot of supplements because of the concern that I’m not really sure what is in the product and if it’s harmful or not. I don’t want to put chemicals or unknown substances into my body so I love that Balance of Nature does not add any fillers, extracts, or synthetically made substances. 100% produce is something I can get behind.
Fruits Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cherry, Cranberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry, and Tomato.

Vegetable Ingredients: Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cayenne Pepper, Celery Stalk, Garlic, Kale, Onion, Shiitake Mushroom, Soy Bean, Spinach, Wheat Grass, Yam, and Zucchini.

Fiber and Spice ingredients: Whole Psyllium Husk, Flax Seed, Whole Apple, Allspice, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel Seed, Fenugreek, Ginger, Mustard, Nutmeg, Turmeric and Whole Monkfruit.

Balance of Nature states that this mix of ingredients was studied for their effectiveness together and nutritional value. Overall, it makes me happy not seeing any artificial sweeteners or other synthetics included.
One concern I have is that it is difficult to know how much of each fruit or vegetable is in the blend. Many supplements are similar and don’t show this as well, but it would be nice.
Reviewing Balance of Nature products I did notice that there is a lot of emphasis placed on the science behind their supplements. I wasn’t able to find a lot of studies or the results of their research which would have been nice, however the basic premise of their theories hold up easily.
- More fruits and vegetables are better for you.
- Natural is better than synthetically made.
- We don’t fully realize all the benefits that fruits and vegetables provide.
I can understand and support these basic points.
Another strong selling point is Balance of Nature uses a flash drying technology which is a vacuum freeze drying process using pressure and no heat that retains 99.9% of the nutrition. The dried produce is then blended and packed into vegetarian capsules to preserve all the nutrients.
I don’t really like taking capsules, but these capsules are actually a huge benefit in my mind because other supplements add a lot of fillers to their powders so they won’t clump. By adding a filler to the product other supplement companies can then sell their powder without capsules.
I’m not sure about you, but I do not want to eat fillers and chemicals made to keep the fruit and vegetables from clumping. Just tasting Balance of Nature I can tell it doesn’t have the sawdust flavor many other supplements with fillers have.
Balance of Nature talks a lot about phytonutrients. I’ve never seen other companies talk about it and I wasn’t clear what it was at first, but basically phytonutrients are the natural nutrients found in fruits and vegetables and whole grains. All I can say is that nature is amazing.
“Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plant foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grain products and legumes. These plant compounds have beneficial effects working with other essential nutrients to promote good health.”
Maybe you are like me and love natural and organic food so knowing that Balance of Nature uses natural science to provide nutrients is a big deal to me. The fact that there are no chemicals or synthetics really is appealing.
Preferred vs Retail
Balance of Nature customers are given two options for ordering their products. Retail and Preferred membership. This seemed a little confusing at first but after going through the ordering process it cleared it up for me. Just know that a preferred member is a monthly subscription.
Ordering as a subscription is similar to Amazon’s Subscribe & Save, and the product is sent automatically to you each month. Signing up as a preferred member does have a $24.95 one time fee. But I have a 35% coupon you can use that will remove the fee cost and more. Use this coupon code: CARROTS.
By ordering as a subscription, Balance of Nature gives you a discount for each order. The discount pricing on the Fruits & Veggies saves you $20 compared to full price retail order of $89. I love to save money so the cheapest option is to order as a preferred member and then you can always cancel your subscription if you decide you don’t like it. These products aren’t very cheap so saving money by signing up for a subscription makes sense to me. If you order more than once it makes the most sense just to order as a preferred member.
All orders have free shipping. Ordering as a preferred member also gives you 30 day free returns and access to a free health coach.
Save money and use CARROTS as the promocode.
My Experience…
Fiber & Spice Review
I was very surprised.
I have never taken a fiber supplement product regularly. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to buy and take Fiber & Spice, but with my coupon code I decided to take a chance and try it out. Wow, was I surprised. The very next day I noticed a difference. I’ve never talked about my bowel movements before LOL but my stool came out cleaner and easier – a much smoother process than usual. And the bowel movement was so much faster. I was seriously impressed. Fiber & Spice works amazing.
Eating Fiber and Spice wasn’t the easiest thing to do though. The container comes with a scoop. First I tried it in a glass of water and it was hard to drink to be honest. I had to gulp it down slowly. I wasn’t too excited to take it again, but then my smooth bowel movement happened and I was sold. The next day I decided to take it with apple juice – I definitely recommend that. The flavor of the Fiber & Spice with apple juice made it into a gritty apple cider flavor and that was much more tolerable.
Taking it with almond milk is now my favorite way to drink it.
I highly recommend Fiber & Spice.

Fruits & Veggies Review
Balance of Nature Fruits & Veggies are created to add natural nutrients into your diet. They are good for everyone from children up to the elderly, the healthy and those with ailments. Who doesn’t need more fruits and vegetables in their diet? Even if you don’t these still are good for you.
Balance of Nature sells their Fruits & Veggies product as 2 bottles together. The red fruits bottle and the green veggies bottle each have 90 capsules each. It is recommended to take 3 of each per day. I chew up the Fruits and swallow the Veggies. I really like the flavor of the Fruits and I could snack on them all day. They taste like dried fruit powder.
My kids also love snacking on the Fruits. Since these are 100% freeze dried fruits I have no issue giving them to children and it makes me happy knowing they are getting fruit nutrients into their diets. My kids did not like the flavor of the Veggies.

The Veggies have a stronger flavor. You can taste the garlic and spicy cayenne pepper. I found it easier just to swallow them. But adding the Veggies powder to other foods works too. I like them mixed with eggs and mixed with cottage cheese into a cracker dip.
Unlike the Fiber & Spice my results with the Fruits & Veggies were not as immediate. Most days I didn’t notice a big difference but my goal is to eat healthy and eating healthy does not usually make me feel huge differences. More of a gradual healthy process. Knowing I’m eating all these fruits and vegetables is really beneficial though, just like eating actual fruit and vegetables.
I started using Fruits & Veggies as a workout supplement and I could feel the extra energy. Once I was playing a softball game on a really hot day and I took capsules and I could seriously feel the boost of energy. For dieting I’ve also used these to replace an occasional meal and they’ve worked great. I use these as a meal replacement on occaision.

The Fruits & Veggies are the most natural supplements I’ve ever seen. I’m very impressed with the ingredients and quality of the product.
And I need to say it again (because I love this so much) there are no additives, fillers, synthetics, preservatives, added sugar, or other crap. Just fruits and vegetables.
These products are so natural this makes we wonder are these supplements or just food? I’ll just call them superfood super supplements haha.
Whole Health System Review
The Whole Health System is a set of Fruits and Veggies and also a bottle of Fiber & Spice. If you are going to buy the products separate it is a cheaper option just to order them together as a Whole Health System.
Fruits & Veggies is Balance of Nature’s main product but I really love their Fiber & Spice and I would totally recommend purchasing the Whole Health System so you get the Fiber too. The coupon code CARROTS will help get you started. At $109.95 it definitely is on the expensive end, but to be honest I haven’t seen a more natural supplement than Balance of Nature.
“Consuming enough fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet reduces the risk of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity.”
Customer Reviews
If you’ve heard the company’s ads, TV, or radio spots they are mostly comprised of customer testimonials stating anything from improved energy to help dealing with ailments. There are too many of them and sound too much like real customers to be fake. The ads are overwhelmingly positive, but let’s take a look at the Balance of Nature reviews online.
Trust Pilot
On TrustPilot, Balance of Nature has a very good rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. The ratings are overwhelmingly positive with a few negative reviews here and there. I will highlight a few positive and negative reviews.
4.6 rating with 718 reviews.

“Makes getting the organic and highly needed and necessary nutrition you need each day quick and easy. Makes me feel great and has certainly boosted my immune system.”

“I have been taking balance of nature for a year now and feel great so much more energy and just overall well-being. This is an amazing product and will always be a part of my daily routine.”

“Very expensive and terrible refund policy which is no refund”
Google Reviews
The Google reviews for Balance of Nature are excellent. A lot of very positive reviews.
4.8 rating with 711 reviews.

“The Fruits & Veggies and Fiber & Spice are excellent products. I’ve noticed an improvement in stamina, in quality of sleep, the appearance of my skin, regularity. I feel so much better overall and it keeps getting better.”
–Lynn T.

“Great product! Better energy level now. Keeping my immune system boosted. Been taking product since November and would highly recommend.”
–Catherine W.

“Be careful when you buy this product they will give you a good deal on your first order but they sneak in a much higher monthly auto charge in the small print then make it difficult to cancel. Its too bad they probably have a good product but shady marketing tactics.”
–Josh C.
Facebook Reviews
Facebook appears to be where customers go to complain about the company. The rating was noticeably different than Google, Trust Pilot and Amazon. Many issues were customer service related. Which is concerning, but after reading through those reviews I’m not as concerned about the products, but concerned about the customer service.
3.2 rating with 139 reviews.
“I do not think this is the Honest Company they talk about 35% off and then they charge you $25 to have to join a membership fee they do not speak about any of that on their advertisements so it is like a switch and bait get you to call in and then drop the bomb on you.”
-Newberry N.
“Balance of nature has increased my energy and I no longer have headaches! So far works great for me!”
-Shay C.
“Balance of Nature is the best! We see such a big difference in our families health when we take our fruits and veggies. I would recommended this supplement to anyone with full confidence!”
–Chris H.
Other Reviews
There are a bunch of other online reviews I found that were helpful in my decision to try Balance of Nature. Some of the reviews are Pretty Providence, A Foodie Stays Fit, Collectively Casey, and an article about the truth about Balance of Nature.
Balance of Nature FAQ
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes. I was able to call and cancel with no issues. There have been some complaints about cancelling and I think that is where people complain about a Balance of Nature scam. But I had no problems cancelling.
***UPDATE (November 2020): Balance of Nature’s website is now allowing customers to cancel their subscription without the need to do it over the phone. Once you log in to your dashboard there is now an option to cancel, put your subscription on hold, or skip a delivery. This is great news for Balance of Nature customers and will probably remove a lot of complaints. I’m not sure why it took so long to have this option haha.
Are there any fees to cancel Balance of Nature subscription?
No. Cancel or hold your subscription at any time online in your account.
Is Balance of Nature vitamins?
Not technically no. Balance of Nature is not a vitamin or a multi-vitamin, it is a supplement. Even then, the only ingredients are dried fruits and vegetables so it’s more of a food than a supplement.
Where is Balance of Nature located?
Saint George, Utah.
Are there any Balance of Nature coupons?
Yes, for the best Balance of Nature promo coupon use the coupon CARROTS for 35% off.
Is there free shipping on all orders?
Is Balance of Nature really just fruit and vegetables?
Yes. Looking at their label and based on everything they have stated over the phone and on their website. There are no additives of any kind. I find this really amazing. I trust the health benefits of natural organic produce way more than synthetic chemicals. Balance of Nature wins this argument.
Can Fiber & Spice help with diarrhea?
Yes, it worked really well. Without going into too much detail you don’t want to hear, Fiber & Spice helped immediately regulate my bowels and stopped diarrhea.
Can Fiber & Spice help with constipation?
Yes, it also worked really well. This was very noticeable how much the fiber supplement helped when I was constipated. I now use it before eating, especially large meals, and it helps keep my digestive system processing the food and not getting constipated. It also helps me not eat as much because I have something in my belly before a meal.
One recommendation…if you go on a cruise you seriously need to bring Fiber & Spice with you. Learn from my mistake. I ate way too much on a cruise and I wished every day I had my Fiber & Spice to help my digestion. This is the best digestive supplement for going on a cruise.
Is Balance of Nature a hoax?
No. Buy it and cancel when you want. This isn’t a scam. It’s pretty simple actually, more fruits and vegetables are better for you. Their process is not that mysterious either. Encapsulated dried produce, that’s it. My guess is that the Balance of Nature scam rumor started because many customers were concerned about the previous requirement to cancel over the phone. Customers can now cancel their subscription in their online dashboard.
The other reasons for the Balance of Nature hoax rumor is that the ads used may or may not be real customers. I have asked about this and the company told me 100% of the ads are real customers.
I’ve listened to a lot of the customer testimonials and there are a lot of indications that these are recordings of conversations (recording quality, the vast number of different voices, natural speaking tones as opposed to a voice actor, background noises, conversation sounds from the customer service agent, and sometime funny or awkward or inaccurate descriptions) and not a voice actor.
In my opinion there are too many of these small indications that these are real and not faked testimonials. And given that the company adamantly claims these are real leads to me very confidently agree these are real people.
Considering the real customers and the results I had from the products personally I can easily say Balance of Nature is not a hoax.
Does Balance of Nature work?
In my experience, yes. I saw results and was very happy with the Fruits & Veggies and the Fiber & Spice products.
Is Balance of Nature worth it?
It’s up to you and your situation. Balance of Nature is expensive, but comparing the price of all those fruits and vegetables and the health benefits of the products, for me Balance of Nature is worth it. Use the coupon below to save some money to try it out.
Balance of Nature Coupon
***(Update March 2021) I was able to find the best Balance of Nature coupon code. Use code CARROTS for 35% off your first order as a preferred customer! This will more than cover your preferred membership cost so you can try it out for free! And you can cancel at any time. Click here to buy.
Balance of Nature Pros and Cons
Let’s get down to it. I’ve been a customer for over a year and in my experience these are the Balance of Nature pros and cons.
- 100% produce
- No fillers, extracts, chemicals, synthetics or other junk
- High quality products – the best quality supplements I’ve ever seen
- Safe for kids
- Positive customer reviews
- 100% natural
- My positive results with the products
- I felt better after taking Fruits & Veggies
- I immediately felt Fiber & Spice helping my digestive system
- Fiber & Spice helped with constipation and diarrhea
- Fruits & Veggies added nutrients that I could feel add energy when I exercised
- Products are expensive
- You must sign up for a subscription for better pricing
- Limited studies/information about the products available
- Complaints about cancelling (UPDATE Nov 2020: Customers can now cancel online)
- Some customer service concerns
Balance of Nature Compliant
If there is one main compliant I have with Balance of Nature, it is that the products are expensive. If you have the money then the Pros definitely outweight the Cons because this supplement is the most natural and highest quality supplement I’ve come across.
Balance of Nature Review
Balance of Nature is an really unique and interesting supplement. Even though many consider it a vitamin or a supplement, it really technically is just produce which is nature’s best natural supplement. There are a lot of positives and a few negatives.
Most of the negative reviews were complaints about customer service or the difficulty in cancelling the subscription. I called and cancelled my subscription with no problems. I later signed back up because I love the products. Cancelling online is now an option.
Taking vitamins isn’t something I do but Balance of Nature is definitely something I can get behind. I don’t like the idea of unknown syntheticially made chemicals in my body so taking Balance of Nature is a great natural option. I love the science that nature is providing the natural benefits.
I really hope I was able to answer some questions for you, and you appreciated the Balance of Nature Pros and Cons! Good luck on your health journey, I wish you the best!
Final Verdict
I want to be healthy. So I tried Balance of Nature. After signing up as a real customer and giving it a try I can honestly say I’m very impressed. Balance of Nature is a little pricey but in my opinion well worth it. These are the most natural supplements I’ve seen on the market. I love that the products are natural and only use fruits and vegetables. I feel better and love the idea that my body is getting the nutrients to keep me healthy long term. Healthy, natural, more energy. I love it.
I definitely recommend Balance of Nature.